I will translate Chinese to English and vice versa

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  • 7 days

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Job Description

There are many reasons why we need to get something translated, an informal letter, an article that you hope to post on a website, a work document, or even a legal document.

For that reason, I’m differentiating the translation between direct translation (sentence by sentence), casual translation (translating with some correction to the translation to properly express the content in the translated language, this will be suitable for articles that are written by non-fluent language users), and formal translation (where I will do some research to ensure specific terms are translated correctly, to fit the narrative of the formal document).

I take pride in my 100% manual translation, and since the source materials are provided by you, my work is to make sure it’s translated correctly, according to the gig requirement.

Please talk to me before ordering!


One thing that will never happen is a copy and paste, from google translate. If it happens, 100% refund.


23 MYR / 300 words


Please communicate your needs with me before ordering anything.

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Processing Fees (2.9%): 0.67 MYR